Downtown Dixon/Galena Avenue Bridge, July 2002

The River Street repaving was a small part of a much more massive project underway to rebuild the Galena Avenue Bridge. This is the first view you come upon as you head north down Galena Avenue/Route 2 towards the river (zoomed view).
This view is looking west not far from the dam powerhouse. The east half of the bridge has been completed... you see here. I've seen these bridges (this one and the Peoria Avenue bridge 2 blocks west) rebuilt many times, this time the project is a total replacement including the piers.

The walkway on the completed half of the bridge. The words "Lincoln Highway" are formed into the concrete.

Here I'm standing on the walkway looking west where the riverbank access ramps and sidewalks are being built. In the backround is the dam powerhouse. The riverbank promenades, access piers, etc., planned for this project are fairly extensive according to some plan drawings which were on display in the window of one of the downtown buildings.

From the same spot as the previous photo, here I'm looking south up Galena. As they keep doing, the Illinois Dept. of Transportation tore down buildings at the corner of River Street to provide a safe turning radius for they did 10 years ago with the Worsley dental office 2 blocks south of here. This section of Galena Avenue between River and First Streets is the site of, er, me breaking my foot in June 1994--I tripped over the curb while running across the street.

This photo shows the west half of the bridge under early construction; the new piers are being placed in the river. Final completion of the project was scheduled for 2003.

The corner of Galena and First Streets, looking southeast. Still on the corner are three banks, none of them locally owned. Behind the Fifth Third is the Dixon Theater. The downtown area was surprisingly busy, with not too many vacant storefronts. The Nachusa Hotel was no longer an eyesore but it is still for rent.
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