Springtime in TorontoI spent a May weekend there with Kathy and Jeff, the main excuse to get together was an Egyptian exhibit at the Royal Ontario Museum. We stayed downtown at a nearby Marriott hotel and did most of our traveling on the subway.![]() Saturday we visited the Bata Shoe Museum--a strangely interesting place in this building shaped like an open shoebox. Thousands and thousands of shoes from around the world and around history--stuff worn by folks planting rice, Elvis and other famous folks, Indians, soldiers etc.,, all well laid out to tell their stories. ![]() A bit closer to the museum
![]() That afternoon we went to Casa Loma, a castle-like house on a hill north of downtown. It was built early in the 20th century by a rich financier, part time soldier, philanthropist, and mile runner (!) Here Kathy and Jeff are approaching the place, one of its towers is visible through the trees. Henry Pellat made much of his $$ in the hydroelectric industry; after WWI that business was nationalized, he lost more money in land speculation, and had to auction everything off. ![]() The view back downhill from
where I took the above photo. ![]() One of the turret towers. The place took several hundred workers to build; there are many secret passages and tunnels plus large gardens. After several failed plans for redeveloping the structure, it was turned over to the city in the 1930's and restored by the Kiwanis Club as a tourist attraction. Nowadays it is a major site for catered events (as well as tourists like us wandering around with our audio guides). ![]() The view of the city from one of the towers ![]() A closup of one of the stone sculptures visible from the roof. We climbed up long narrow winding stairs to get to the top of these turrets. ![]() Here we are in the gardens after we finished touring the castle...with a closeup. |