Tadashi prepares to show us some slides from home before the movie. Many of us brought slides from other parts of the world, and we enjoyed escaping for a bit of alternate reality. At other times we'd show Pole stuff we'd developed. Many of the more interesting slides got copied by others including me, and you're seeing a number of them on this web site.
The next three shots are a somewhat panoramic view of the bar on another movie night when for some reason we once again were a bit more dressed up than usual. (?!) During the summer we had a steady daily supply of Navy movies thanks to the GCA group, but most of us wo's were too busy (and the bar was too crowded with the summer folks) for us to spend much time here. For winter we had 60 movies (no typo, that's "sixty") --16mm edited-for-airline films, which had to be rented for a 12-month period for $1000 EACH. This of course was NSF science support money, so that was all we could afford. Don't ask about the late fees! That's me sitting in front of that jigsaw puzzle on the wall...which we later learned was of August 1971 Playmate of the Month Cathy Rowland. In 2005 when we were demoing biomed, we found this behind the shelves outside of the back of biomed. Okay...this is the edited version for this PG website...Facebook objected when I posted the original. She's still around Pole somewhere.
Craig was our w/o bar manager, and he selected a "new" flick to be shown every Saturday night (and also on Wednesdays after dark). These were our more formal movie nights. The theory at least was to space out the new movies through the winter.After a film had been "premiered" it was put on the shelf and available for viewing at any time.

In January, 1978, Marshall Soares was quoted in the San Diego Union that he saw our favorite movie 26 times.
In addition to the rented stuff, we had a small collection of strange and unusual footage left over from the Navy days at old pole. We often picked one of these for a short before the main flick. We had a complete collection of "Victory at Sea," a few old newsreels, and some training films including the original 1955 atomic bomb cold war stuff.
The old Navy-vintage movie projectors that we had were rather finicky (during the winter I tried to improve their performance without too much success). We ordered two new ones, and fortunately they just barely showed up in time to get to us before closing flight. The spare bulbs did not. So every so often in the midst of a show we would end up with an unscheduled intermission while Jerry and the ET group rewired one of the spare slide projector bulbs to fit.