I'm not sure when all of these photos were taken, so I'll lump them together. We all passed through McMurdo at least once on the way to Pole...some of us went back in midsummer for one reason or another. First, we have the photos of the great expedition to Castle Rock by Les Rohde and Stu Harris. I'll use Les's captions along with his first three photos, since I wasn't there. And I've never been to Castle Rock.

Looks pretty clean at the beginning of twelve months, doesn't he? Here's Stu on top of Castle rock with an overcast summer sky...

Heroic pose by Stu as we [Les and Stu] assault Castle Rock.

Me [Leslie Rohde] as captured on film by Stu Harris in the summer of 1976 (he was especially proud of the perspective effect)..

Alex Zaitsev, our Pole winterover exchange scientist from Russia, left us for a bit in late December to go to Vostok. The photo at right was taken at Vostok on 28 December 1976, and was published in the March 1977 Antarctic Journal. Left to right, Ralph Johnson, USGS (1976 Vostok w/o, I remember radio comms with him); Michael Fancher, Stanford (1977 Vostok w/o); Rob Flint, Stanford (1974 Vostok w/o; also Byrd 1964 and Plateau 1966); Alex Zaitsev; Edward Lysakov, USSR Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute (McM 1976 winterover exchange scientist).

Another photo of the Vostok trip; Alex is standing in the right place as usual--next to biologist Jeanette Thomas. Jeanette was presented with fresh cut flowers from the Vostok greenhouse (U. S. Navy photo).

Another international gathering in the McMurdo officers' club... Russians and Americans having a drink -- the "cold" war in action ;-). Left to right is Jack Jones (McMurdo SatTrack manager 1976), Edward Lysakov (McMurdo 1976 w/o Russian exchange scientist), Dave Bresnahan, Alex Zaitsev, and a glimpse of Mike Pavlak at right behind Alex (these o-club photos are from Les Rohde).

I'm at left, I don't remember who the other folks were except Les says the guy on the right was an Aussie.

From left: Dave Bresnahan (NSF), Jim Chambers (H&N resident manager), Mike Pavlak (Chalet admin coordinator and Pole manager for 1978), Mark Van Reeth (1977 w/o BFC manager), Bill Spindler.