Back row from left: Clifford Dickey, Howard Taylor, Earl Johnson, Robert Benson, Paul Siple, William Johnson
Center: Melvin Havener, Herbert Hansen, Thomas Osborne, William McPherson, Arlo Landolt, Chester Segers
Front: John Tuck, "Bravo," Edward Remington, John Guerrero, Kenneth Waldron, William Hough, Edwin Flowers
The above photo by Cliff Dickey is the frontispiece of the South Pole Yearbook 1957, a unique document subtitled
"The First Book Written and 'Published' at the South Geographic Pole, Antarctica." The book is dedicated to the
memory of Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd and is © 1958 by Paul A. Siple "on behalf of the First Wintering Personnel
of the U. S. South Pole Station" (dedication page annotated by Siple)
A reproduction copy of the book was donated to the Pole library by w/o Cliff Dickey on April 29, 2002 (annotated
front cover). A copy of this document may be available upon request (email me). The photo above is also in the
USAP Photo Library (link to original).
Below, another group photo taken after the opening flight:

Robert F. Benson, seismology
Edwin C. Flowers, meteorology
John F. Guerrero, meteorology
Herbert L. Hanson, meteorology
William S. Hough, ionosphere
William F. Johnson, meteorology
Arlo U. Landholt, aurora
Edward W. Remington, glaciology
Paul A. Siple, scientific leader
Clifford R. Dickey, Jr., ET1, electronics
Melvin C. Havener, CM2, mechanic
Earl F. Johnson, UT1, utilities man
William C. McPherson, Jr., RM1, radioman
Thomas M. Osborne, BU1, builder
Chester W. Segers, CS1, cook
Howard C. Taylor, III, LT, medical officer
John Tuck, Jr., LTJG, Navy support leader
Kenneth L. Waldron, CE2, electrician